OSAAP America exclusively uses Zotefoam products because they are the purest polyethylene foams manufactured in the world today.
AZOTE is the group brand name for Zotefoams’ closed cell, cross-linked polyolefin foams… high quality foams from differing base polymers but all manufactured using the same unique nitrogen expansion process route. You can find a more detailed description of our proprietary manufacturing processes here. AZOTE was used formerly as a name for Nitrogen and is still used by French chemists to refer to the element. AZOTE foams derive many of their exceptional properties directly from the use of this inert, tasteless, odourless gas in the manufacturing process.
We use Zotefoams’ Plastazote® family of products. Plastazote foams are engineered to offer superior performance and lighter weight. The absence of any chemical agents in the foam and a consistency of cell structure and density allows Zotefoams to offer the world’s lightest cross-linked foams.
OSAAP America stocks LD32NC for ESD safe applications.
LD32NC is a Conductive Low Density Polyethylene material

OSAAP PlasticClean® ESD Material protects against electrical charge build-up on wear surfaces. PlastiClean ESD is the ideal material to use in electronics manufacturing. It also protects expensive robotic and conveyor equipment that is sensitive to electrical charge build-up. (10^5 to 10^9 surface resistivity ohm/square)
PlastiCLean ESD meets the top end of the Conductive range and most of the Static Dissipative range of ESD material categories.
ESD Materials Catagories Description:
Anti-Static: Resistivity between 10-9th and 10-12th ohms per square. Initial electrostatic charges are suppressed. May be surface resistive, surface-coated or fitted throughout.
Static Dissipative: Resistivity between 10-3rd and 10-9th ohms per square. Lower or no initial charges - presents discharge to or from human contact. May be either surface-coated or filled throughout.
Conductive: Resistivity between 10-3rd and 10-6th ohms per square. No initial charges provide a path for the charge to the ground. Usually, carbon-particles or carbon-fiber filled throughout.